The Green Party is one of the fastest growing political movements in the world!
Now with 50 MEPs in the European Parliament and well-established Green Parties worldwide (many of whom have served, or are currently serving in government), there has never been a better time to join the Greens.
In Northern Ireland the Green Party is gaining momentum fast – the party gained its first councillors in 2005 and its first MLA in 2007; in the 2009 European Elections, candidate Steven Agnew trebled the Green Party vote in Northern Ireland as the Greens-European Free Alliance group gained more seats than any other in the European Parliament. In 2010, more voters in South Belfast gave their support to the Green Party than ever before. In May 2011 Steven Agnew was elected MLA for North Down along with three council seats. In the 2016 Assembly elections, Clare Bailey became the second Green Party MLA in Stormont. The party increased its share of the vote more than any other party.
Why not join us?
Join the Lagan Valley Greens now and get involved to elect more Greens and change the world for the better!
As a member you will receive issues of the party newsletter, invitations to party conventions and conferences, and as part of the only true democratic party in Northern Ireland, you will be able to vote on major decisions affecting the party.
For more information on joining the Green Party of Northern Ireland visit