The Green Party in Northern Ireland is part of a Europe-wide movement campaigning on the four principles of Green Politics:
- Social Justice
- Environmental sustainability
- Grassroots Democracy
- Non-violence
Green Politics is based on concern for the vulnerable – whether they are the deprived and socially excluded here in Northern Ireland, the starving poor in the developing world, the natural environment or future generations.
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Steven Agnew, Leader of Green Party NI |
There are hundreds of Green Parties worldwide, many of whom have served in government. In Northern Ireland, the party currently has one Member of the Legislative Assembly (Steven Agnew MLA) and three councilors. It received its largest ever vote in the province in the 2009 European election and its largest ever vote in South Belfast in the 2010 general election, which saw the election of UK’s first Green Party Member of Parliament (Caroline Lucas MP). The Green-European Free Alliance group is the fastest growing in the European Parliament.
Lagan Valley Greens
Lagan Valley Green Party was established on 24 March 2010 with an inaugural meeting at the Bridge Community Centre in Lisburn.
On 26 September 2011 the group became a full constituency group within the Green Party of Northern Ireland.
Currently in 2016 our officers are:
- Chair: Claire Watson
- Treasurer: Luke Robinson
- Secretary Danny Barrios-O'Neill
- Communications Officer: Darryl Collins.