Monday, 27 June 2011

Lagan Valley Greens AGM

The 2011 AGM of the Lagan Valley Green Party will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 28th June in the Hamilton Room, Bridge Community Centre Lisburn.

The big question which will before us is to consider is whether we wish to upgrade to full Constituency Group status from Local Group status. We now have 13 paid up members (minimum for Constituency Group is 10). We do however need to fill the Secretary position to comply with Rules and Procedures.

All officer positions are open for election at this AGM. Conor Quinn will be standing for Chair/Convenor and Ciara Daly will be putting herself forward for Treasurer. Members can put themselves forward for ANY of the officer positions but 
members interested in the Secretary position are particularly welcome.

Members in probation (first 6 months) may stand for officer positions but may not vote in the election or any other motion. 2010 members can renew at the AGM and retain full voting rights.

I encourage all members to consider setting up a standing order as we build again for the next elections. You can find the standing order form here.